Space Marine Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer
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A linebreaker without peer, the Land Raider Crusader can smash through enemy formations, disgorging Space Marine assault troops into the heartof the enemy position. Numerous short-ranged and swift-firing weapons allow the Crusader to weaken the enemy before the assault is launched, and provide a torrent of fire to support its cargo once in combat. The Land Raider Redeemer is an evolution of the Crusader variant. The Redeemer retains the assault cannon and frag launchers of the Crusader, but eschews the hurricane bolter sponsons for colossal flame projectors. These flamestorm cannons are able to purge even a well-defended bunker complex in seconds. This box set contains one multi-part plastic Space Marine Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer. This large 124-piece kit allows you to assemble either a Land Raider Crusader or a Land Raider Redeemer and includes components for two sets of Hurricane bolters, a twin-linked assault cannon, a multi-melta, two flamestorm cannons, and frag assault launchers.
Extra Info
- Game: Warhammer 40, 000
- Main Category: Space Marines
- Part Code: 99120101070
- Sub Category: Heavy Support