Gengar - Rare B - Reverse Holofoil
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Extra Info
- Set: Arceus
- Card Number: 17/99
- Rarity: Rare
- Illustrator: Mitsuhiro Arita
- Weakness: Darkness
- HP: 120
- Stage: Stage 2
- Card Type: Psychic
- Resistance: Colorless
- Name: Gengar
- Finish: Reverse Holo
- Attack #1: PC Sharpshooting - Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokn. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokn. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokn.)
- Attack #2: PCC Poison Jab (60) The Defending Pokn is now Poisoned.
- Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company